目前分類:詩歌 (8)
- Oct 21 Thu 2010 23:38
詩歌 - 主永活在我心
- Jul 16 Thu 2009 22:08
Catholic - 皇皇聖體 - English
- Sing, my tongue,
- The mystery of the glorious body,
- And of the precious Blood
- That for the world's salvation
- The fruit of a noble womb,
- The king of the nations, shed.
- Given to us, born to us,
- From an unblemished virgin,
- And having lived in the world,
- Scattering the seed of the Word,
- The time of his habitation
- Miraculously He closed in due order.
- In the night of His last supper,
- Resting with His brothers,
- The law being fully observed
- With permitted foods,
- To the group of twelve
- He gave Himself as food with his own hands.
- The Word in flesh true bread
- By a word makes His flesh,
- And also makes true wine the Blood of Christ,
- And if sense is lacking,
- To confirm a true heart
- Faith alone suffices.
- Therefore so great a Sacrament
- Let us fall down and worship,
- And let the old law
- Give way to a new rite,
- And let faith stand forward
- To make good the defects of sense.
- To the Father and the Son
- Be praise and joy,
- Health, honour and virtue
- And blessing,
- And to him proceeding from both
- Be equal praise. Amen
- Jul 16 Thu 2009 22:00
Catholic - 皇皇聖體 - 繁體-02
- 皇皇聖體
- 信友前來 歡呼贊吟,我主聖體無限情,
- 救世羔羊 聖血傾流,贖世犧牲換太平,
- 天地大君 榮王天庭,甘受苦難救我靈。
- 聖子降生 自取人形,至聖童貞為母親,
- 三十三載 天涯飄零,山野海角布福音,
- 終身賴遭 輕慢辱淩,架甘七言終其行。
- 耶穌受難 前夕晚上,偕諸宗徒聚華堂,
- 遵循古教 禮儀習尚,宰殺羔羊分啖嘗,
- 建立聖體 罪債普償,洪恩常流澤萬邦。
- 真主真人 萬世稱揚,面形聖化成神糧,
- 酒亦成聖 血爵中藏,全信勿疑主榮光,
- 敬禮朝拜 耶穌君王,無限深情滿人望。
- 皇皇聖體 奧蘊深玄,我眾匍匐主台前,
- 羔羊聖牲 新祭禮獻,摒除古教棄舊典,
- 虔誠全信 以至永遠,五官所缺信人堅。
- Jul 16 Thu 2009 21:44
Catholic - 皇皇聖體 - 繁體-01
信友請來 讚美上主,稱頌奧妙之聖體,
又請稱頌 至聖寶血,主因贖世盡傾流,
萬邦之王 生於聖母,自甘流血為人類。
自作犧牲 賜予我等,生於聖潔童貞女,
- Jul 16 Thu 2009 21:30
Catholic - 皇皇聖體 - latina
Pange lingua
Pange lingua gloriosi
corporis mysterium
sanguinisque pretiosi,
quem in mundi pretium
fructus ventris generosi
- Jul 11 Sat 2009 23:15
Catholic - 聖神在我心
- Jul 11 Sat 2009 13:12
Catholic - 聖母頌(葉麗儀小姐主唱版)